7 Mar 2004

The Taranaki Junior tennis sides (U16, U14, U12) all had very convincing wins against Manawatu in their annual representative fixture at Feilding on March 7th.
The U16 team won 14-2, the U14 team won 15-1 and the U12 team won 16-0.

Under 16 results

Z. Wills b K. McNamara 6-2 6-2
D. Geange lost to S. Howard 7-6 6-4
T. Radich b B. Scott 2-6 7-5 6-0
J. Ussher b S. Atmore 6-4 6-3
N. Koch b S. Durie 7-6 6-4
A. Murdoch b C. Kirsten 6-1 6-4
C. Goldsworthy b R. Blackwood 6-1 6-1
E. Ussher b H. Belcher 6-2 6-7 6-4
Wills & Geange b McNamara & Howard 6-2 4-6 7-6
Radich & Ussher b Scott & Atmore 6-3 3-6 6-1
Koch & Murdoch b Durie & Kirsten 7-5 6-3
Goldsworthy & Ussher b Blackwood & Belcher 6-4 6-1
Mixed Doubles      
Wills & Koch lost to McNamara & Durie 9-7
Geange & Murdoch b Howard & Kirsten 9-6
Radich & Goldsworthy b Scott & Blackwood 9-5
Ussher & Ussher b Atmore & Belcher 9-2

Under 14 results

C. Koch b M. Dune 6-2 6-3
M. Atkins b B. Atmore 5-7 7-5 7-5
J. Walden b M. Keighton 6-2 6-3
S. Nairn b H. McKellar 6-3 6-0
G. Death b B. Blackmore 6-3 2-6 7-6
M. Zimmerman b S. Hughes 4-6 6-0 6-0
R. Matoe b B. Kennedy 6-3 6-0
S.Bailey b L. Drake 6-3 7-6
Koch & Atkins b Dune & Atmore 2-6 6-4 6-3
Walden & Nairn b Keighton & McKellar 6-3 6-2
Death & Zimmerman lost to Blackmore & Hughes 6-1 6-2
Matoe & Bailey b Kennedy & Drake 6-0 6-2
Mixed Doubles      
Koch & Death b Dune & Blackmore 9-4
Atkins & Zimmerman b Atmore & Hughes 9-6
Walden & Matoe b Keighton & Kennedy 9-6
Nairn & Bailey b McKellar & Drake 9-3

Under 12 results

J. Gopperth b T. Durie 6-2 6-1
M. Boland b E. Cousins 5-7 6-1 6-1
A. Jones b T. Hughes 6-1 6-4
J. Fleming b D. Silk 6-4 6-3
A. Ford b G. Blackwood 6-2 6-0
K. Bevins b B. McNamara 6-3 6-1
S. Kelly b S. Atmore 6-2 7-5
N. Boshier b H. Tapiata 7-5 6-2
Gopperth & Boland b Durie & Cousins 5-7 6-2 6-0
Jones & Fleming b Hughes & Silk 6-2 6-4
Ford & Bevins b Blackwood & McNamara 6-1 6-0
Kelly & Boshier b Atmore & Tapiata 6-4 6-4
Mixed Doubles      
Gopperth & Ford b Durie & Blackwood 9-2
Boland & Bevins b Cousins & McNamara 9-6
Jones & Kelly b Hughes & Atmore 9-6
Fleming & Boshier b Silk & Tapiata 9-4